What are they?

Archetypes are universal stories encoded into our DNA.  They make intuitive sense and are instantly recognizable: the Ruler, the Warrior, the Jester and so forth.

Why should we care?

Archetypes offer shortcuts to meaning.  Because they connect to themes and associations hardwired into human beings, archetypes can be a powerful tool in working with brands.  When used effectively, they:

  • Break through the clutter by leveraging storylines we already understand and value.
  • Help us make better choices as marketers, creating more coherent and consistent imagery and messaging.
  • Help align head and heart, both the underlying positioning and the way it is expressed

Examples of archetypes in brands

Some of the strongest brands embody archetypes, whether consciously or not.  Consumer brands that make excellent use of archetypes include:


How can RBB help me using archetypes?

Your brand and category >
Here are a just a few ways Right-Brain Brands can help:

  • Audit: RBB can review your marketing strategy and communications to see where an archetypal approach may be possible and beneficial.
  • Coaching: We can work with you and your creative team to apply an archetypal approach to your communications and create guidelines for future decision-making.
  • Mapping: Using an archetypal lens, RBB can plot out the brands in your category, identifying areas of opportunity and constraint.

Your organizational context >
We all have certain archetypes dominant within us.  These become storylines through which we see the world.  RBB can identify which archetypes are dominant in you and others, spotlighting unconscious narratives that can potentially lead to conflict and/or shortsightedness.

For example, a Warrior/Ruler perspective, quite prevalent in U.S. business, may limit openness to subtle, playful or empathic creative ideas that could be extremely effective with your target audience.  People in whom the Warrior and Ruler are dominant prefer narratives involving status and winning.  Understanding the subliminal storylines at play in your organizational experience can lead to new awareness and receptivity to more expansive and effective options.